I recently created a Tik Tok account, but I’ve made a promise to myself that I’m never going to check it. I am simply going to post what I like and let the rest be.
I am growing more and more tired of social media and the internet by the day. Or at least the way it is being used in our current place in time. Maybe it is the innate need within me to be different, but it seems as though the stream of content has started to become more oversaturated and simultaneously overwhelming. It breeds nothing but more pressure and anxiety to perform by the day.
Mix these feelings with the ever-present nagging within me to share things, create things, and positively influence others, and you can see why the push and pull of the vortex of the internet can be so draining.
I’m having to remind myself that none of this internet stuff is real. That yes, there are real people and real things out there using the internet, but the internet itself is not the only reality– big and ever present as it may seem at times.
The other night, I held my daughter in my arms and we walked down the driveway to check the mail. I looked up at the night sky and saw stars and planets and the moon, shining clear as ever. I told her to look up, and I tried to explain to her what stars and galaxies and space are. In that moment it hit me of just how small we are and how big and real this place is. That we are tiny creatures who are made of these simple substances on this ball of dirt and water and rock and air. Floating and swirling at thousands of miles an hour toward who knows what.
And yet,we choose to spend our time, energy, and efforts on this space of the internet which is the complete opposite. An illusion of big and vast and expansive, but full of no reality or substance whatsoever. Just real people using a not so real thing.
It is so frustrating to be brought up in a world where I was formed by the internet. To be consumed by endless amounts of content with seemingly everything right out of my grasp. I used to believe that people my age would be considered gluttons of tech from this very fact. But on the other hand, I believe we’re all more starved now than ever. We have traded the wholesome meal of genuine connection for snacking on scraps and junk food of endless nonsense and calling it sustenance for survival.
In terms of human development, the internet is still a teenager… it’s really only been available for us to use for less than 20 years or so. I’m all for giving it grace and allowing it to grow up a little bit in the future. But I’m starting to grow tired of how it is affecting our perception of reality.
I desperately crave for the real thing, and not a cheap substitution. A place where we are no longer starving for attention and our souls feel stretched out. A place where we can be and let that be enough. A place where we’re more interested in looking up at the beauty of the moon and stars in the sky, and less worried about looking down at whatever fleeting pixels are floating across our screens.
It’s quite strange to me, the ways that we use and are used by this enigma that is the internet. And, here I am, still using it. I suppose we will adapt soon enough. We always have, and we always will. I believe there is a better day ahead where things like social media and fake fame and artificial conversations will cease to exist as they are. I’m hoping for that, at least.
I genuinely don’t know how I feel about all of this, and more so just needed to get it out of my head. So I’m curious. How do you feel about the internet, how we use it, or how it uses us? What does a better tomorrow look like today as users of the internet? Let’s start a conversation, because I’m genuinely interested in knowing your honest thoughts and opinions.
I can’t give you any definitive answers or concrete words of encouragement this week, but I’ll offer up a simple exercise to try instead. Do yourself a favor, and go outside on a clear night this week. Look up at the sky for as long as you want, and think about the reality of this planet, the people who live on it, and the real and beautiful things we are capable of. Maybe if we all do that a little more often, it’ll be a step in the right direction to chipping away at a better tomorrow… a real tomorrow with real people and real things like you and me.
poem of the week:
look up at the sky
think about all the real things
things like you and me
poems galore and so much more from me on Instagram.
song of the week:
recommendation of the week:
The Age of Social Media Is Ending, The Atlantic
This article was one of the best things I’ve read, and perfectly depicts our current state of mind regarding social media and where it could be heading.
one more thing:
Would it be ironic enough if I promoted my brand new TikTok account here? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hope all of this gave you some “steadies” to fight the “scaries.” Reach out if you need anything. I’m in your corner.
Byeeeeeee, see y’sooooooon!